jeudi 3 avril 2008

There is a small, enticing shop a few blocks from where I work in Aix en Provence. The show window is filled with teapots, and behind the counter are jars and jars of tea in bulk with wonderful names like "Pomme d'amor" and "Pain d'épice". They also sell small metal canisters in 100g, 50g, and 25g sizes, to be filled with loose tea leaves. The canisters are from 2.50 to 6€, and are various colors, patterns, etc.

The first time I went to this store, another couple followed me in. I wanted a few minutes to just look around before making my selection, so I told them they could go ahead. Big mistake. Apparently it was necessary to smell EVERY SINGLE TEA before making a selection. Good grief. After about ten minutes I was starting to get anxious (I do need to get back to work sometime before my lunch break ends) but finally they made their selections, and left. I bought two, the Pomme d'amor and Pain d'épice in 100 grams each with two canisters- total 19€. I am going to make it my monthly habit and buy a new one each month. Then, at the end of the year, perhaps I will fill them all up again and give as Christmas presents.

Oh- and the teapots- cute but way out of price range.
Tried to find the website again, but could not for the life of me find it.

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