lundi 4 janvier 2010
I really enjoy my job and have been learning a lot about new, interesting technologies, which unfortunately calls upon knowledge I haven't used in about ten years.
(yay for Thermodynamics!)

However, while I must often refer to textbooks, other patents, scientific journal articles etc. to better understand the core of the technology, I can usually the words themselves. Except that today, I came across a word that I had no clue about.
Here you go:


Anybody? (No fair wikipediaing it)
Maybe some context will help:

"The bottom consists of two nurbs surfaces."

Still doesn't ring any bells?
Okay, go ahead (you know you want to) :

Turns out it is an acronym for (brace yourselves)

Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline!

Geez, even the title is boring.

Your mission for the week is to use nurbs in a sentence as many times as possible, doesn't matter if it is scientifically correct.
For example:
"That guy really gets on my nurbs."
- You mean nerves?
"No. nurbs. Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline. Geez, your english vocabulary is terrible!"

Or how about:
"The nurbs is always greener on the other side of the grass."

What is the most unusual word you have come across lately?

In order to leave a comment, you must:
1) either use "nurbs" in a sentence, or
2) make up a new thing for what N-U-R-B-S stands for.
Extra points to anyone who does both.
(And extra extra points to anyone who can give a summary, in a paragraph or less, of what a nurbs actually is)
If you leave a comment without doing either, then you cannot comment again for a week.*

* Which probably isn't a big punishment, because I probably won't be posting again for another week.



6 commentaires:

Brandi a dit…



Betty Carlson a dit…

This is funny. Hey, what is your job? It sounds like you speak English in it...

Thanks for the comment -- I need support doing NaBloPoMo! I few comments, even on the lamest posts, are great!

Have a good day.

Starman a dit…

I hate it when people make me use a specific word. It really gets on my nurbs.

Uncle David a dit…

1) When asked how he cut the new countertop to fit so beautifully in the refurbished kitchen, Alain said he simply used nurbs.

2) "No one understands rational basis splines" (unfortunately, not original)

Extra extra:
Well, suppose someone gives you a complicated, loopy curve and asks you to redraw it by hand, freehand.
Your thinking might go like this: I'm going to divide this complicated thing into pieces and draw each piece (that's the Spline).
I'll then outline each piece with a bunch of dots and connect the dots. But some parts need more dots than others (that's the Non-Uniform).
But I want to just have a small set of simple curves that I'm going to use to draw the pieces --- nothing too complicated (that's the Basis).
But on the other hand, I want to make sure that the pieces are not too simple, so I'll allow myself to make fractions of these simple to make more complicated curves (that's the Rational, as in a rational number (or ratio)).
So a Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline (NURB) is just a way to draw complex curves using (ratios of) simpler curve pieces that are combined and defined by
connecting irregularly spaced dots.

LK a dit…

Never underestimate really big seals.

Thankyou, I now know what a spline is and I know I'll be better off for it.

Stumbled across your site today and really enjoyed it. And as to the most unusual word I've come across recently - I read lackadaisical in a book the other day and can't stop thinking of it. Have been trying to fit it into a sentence as I think it's a word that deserves not to be forgotten, heard gobsmacked last week as well but that one is more common.

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Megan

Love your blog - just to let you know that I have blogged about it today at

Keep up the good work

All the best


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