jeudi 1 avril 2010
New measures to stimulate innovation

Exerpt from the speech delivered last month proactive by Mr Van der Vis, head of the European Commission's Science Innovation Fund:

Innovation is the driving force of the European economy. As such, public policies should help to stimulate innovation through incentives applicable across Europe. The individual contribution of each inventor needs to be recognized at the highest level.

With the help of the European Patent Office (EPO), each inventor will be awarded after the issuance of his or her patent.

According to well informed sources, it is planned to include in the Regulations under the new Rule 21a EPC which reads as follows:
In a non-extendable period of 24 weeks after the publication of the mention of the issue to the European Patent Bulletin, the inventor may be legally appointed to Platzl 9, Munich to receive a mug of beer.

The mug will be given on written request accompanied by a copy of the patent specification. The application must state the name and address of the applicant, the European patent number and title of the invention.

It is not deemed filed until the payment of an administrative fee. The President of the European Patent Office shall determine the capacity of the mug.


Oh those funny patent attorneys. Now go get out of the office, enjoy the extra hour of sunlight, and try not to think about the hours and hours of tests coming up in April/May/June.
(The nightmares have started)

Happy April Fool's!

2 commentaires:

Mwa a dit…

I should have known better than to keep on reading after that title, which described very well what was to be found in the box.

Good luck on the tests!

Starman a dit…

Not to worry, you'll pass with flying colors.

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